Laws of Attraction


Can you make it to the top? Own the courtroom in our next Choices book, Laws of Attraction, coming Wednesday, April 28th! Let's get a behind-the-scenes look at this upcoming drama...

Hello, Laws crew! Let's start with what you all do...

Jilly: I'm the writing lead on the book. In the past I've worked on Red Carpet Diaries, A Very Scandalous Proposal, and a bunch of other fun titles for Pixelberry! But as the daughter of two lawyers, sister to another, and a confirmed superfan of legal dramas since the age of 8 (seriously, we marathoned a LOT of Law and Order in my house growing up), Laws is definitely the most up my alley!

Coral: I’m a writer on Laws and have led projects in the past like Sunkissed and My Two First Loves. My parents once thought I would for sure become a lawyer, but now I get to write about them on Laws of Attraction.

Georgio: I am one of the producers that worked on Laws, and I’m super happy that it’s my first book as a Producer on Choices!

Erin: I'm a QA Lead. Once upon a time I wanted to be a writer, but I've since realized that I prefer being more of an editor, which is why I love working in QA. My favorite genres are mystery and horror.

We know Laws is all about working at a high-end law firm... But can you give us the inside scoop on this case?

Jilly: Laws is all about the drama! You start out as a small town lawyer, but when you're tapped by one of the most prestigious firms in New York City, you'll need to bring all your legal skills to the table to beat out the competition for a coveted partnership spot. Just when you think you're getting your feet under you, a new case comes in that upends everything, and leads you to a dark web of corruption you never could have anticipated…

We're ready for the drama... and the hot competition ;) Who are you excited for fans to connect with?

Jilly: I can't wait for players to meet McGraw Byrne's take-no-prisoners founding partner, Sadie McGraw, not to mention all the senior associates they'll be competing against. And of course newly-minted senior partner Gabe Ricci is a devastating mix of brains and charm that's hard to resist in the courtroom... or out of it. 

Coral: Gabe and Aislinn have been vying for my heart ever since sitting down to write my first chapter. Gabe’s the bad boy lawyer who’s always in charge, and Aislinn is the sweetheart who you can’t resist… even if she’s also your competition. 

Georgio: Gabriel Ricci! His flirty playfulness, confidence, and genuine care for his proteges makes him so dang likable.

We can't wait to meet them! I have to know... in real life, which of the cast would you trust to defend you?

Jilly: In court? Gabe, hands down. He's always thinking three steps ahead. But if we're talking survival situations, I might prefer Gigi Sinclair in my corner, if only because her photographic memory might come in handy when we need to remember the steps to building a fire or escaping a bear! 

Coral: Definitely Aislinn. She’s whip smart, passionate, and has a strong moral compass. I feel like if anyone could get me out of a jam, it would be her. Besides, no one is better at discovering the one detail you need to win the case—except maybe Gigi.

Georgio: Definitely Beau McGraw. He gives off Elle Woods from Legally Blonde energy which I trust wholeheartedly.

Well, I know who I'm calling to help me out. Tell us, what part about creating Laws of Attraction was most memorable?

Jilly: This might sound dorky, but the research! There are all kinds of wild cases that people actually bring to court, with twists that are almost better than fiction! I love that I get to do a job where I feel like I actually learn something interesting every day... and where I get a TON of great cocktail party stories. 

Erin: Personally I'm intrigued by the whole idea of life inside a law firm and the ins and outs of the law. I like that players can choose a few different lawyer types for their main character, such as standing up to bullies, defending the little guy, or focusing more on pure law. That last one would definitely be me.

Georgio: Helping to create the theme song was for sure my favorite part! Capturing this book’s classy and confident vibe was a blast, I’m so stoked for players to hear the new music. 

Ooo, I'll keep an ear out for that theme song! Before we wrap this up, any final words you'd like to share with fans?

Georgio: I vow under oath that players will have plenty of chances to shout “objection” in court.

Erin: I think the outfits for this book are super gorgeous, and I hope players will enjoy some of the sleek lawyer fits.

Jilly: Simply that I'm beyond excited for you all to dive into the work-hard, play-hard world of Laws of Attraction. So many people have worked so hard to make this book an exciting, dramatic thrill ride!

We're ready to take the case! Stay tuned to our socials for more news... And look out for The Nanny Affair 2 and The Royal Finale in the upcoming months. Talk to you soon.

- Shae and Aly

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