Open Heart, Book 2

Feeling lovesick? Missing Edenbrook? Don't worry because Open Heart: Book 2 will be here before you know it! Thankfully we were able to steal the busy team for a quick behind-the-scenes look...

Now that it's Book 2, let's get the team intros going! Tell us your role on Open Heart.

Luke: I’m the book lead for Open Heart, but I was also book lead on Ride-or-die, Endless Summer, Most Wanted, and co-lead on Platinum.

Jilly: I’ve been pitching in on the writing side for Open Heart 1 & 2! I was also book lead on the Red Carpet Diaries series and Bachelorette Party.

Julie: I'm the art lead for Open Heart! I also help with some of the fill-art production. 

Stella: I’m an art producer for Open Heart (with some help from Julie!)

Danica: I’m a technical producer, which means I help with scheduling and making sure things run on time. 

Book 1 was full of so much DRAMA! But I've gotta ask... what are you excited for fans to finally encounter in Book 2?

Jilly: The stakes are now even higher -- You’re not the rookies anymore, and with more responsibility comes more risk. I think readers are going to love the drama!

Julie: Being a full-fledged doctor with all your friends in tow... and obviously the drama involved between friends and love interests. 

What's been your favorite part of working on Open Heart? And on the flipside, what's been the most challenging?

Luke: Favorite part is writing the dialogue for characters like Bryce, Aurora, Zaid, and the gang. Most challenging by a mile is the medical research, figuring out mysteries that inform the themes and the characters’ journeys. My brother is a third-year resident, and I spend a lot of time interviewing him on what it’s really like, so when we (often) break from reality, we know exactly where we’re inventing things for the sake of drama.

Jilly: I just consider myself lucky that Luke’s got an in with an actual medical resident because planning intricate, rewarding cases is a blast… and really hard to get right without someone to check that we’re not wildly off-base. It’s both my favorite part AND the hardest thing about the book. 

Stella: I love contributing to the visual concepts for new characters joining or visiting the Book 2 cast. It’s always fun to tie a written personality to the art you envision. Although the most challenging part is making sure these characters end up looking like what everyone else envisions.

Okay, real talk. Favorite character in Open Heart... Go! 

Luke: A couple of the new characters for Book 2, but I don’t want to leak their identity yet... You’ll just have to play and meet them for yourself!

Jilly: I’ve got a soft spot for Jackie. That competitive spirit is very familiar, but if I were an actual resident, I’d need Sienna’s baking and Elijah’s nerding out to get me through the chaos.

Julie: Bryce and Sienna. I’d love a best friend who’s a sweetheart like Sienna. 

Danica: I really like Rafael. He’s selfless and brave. 

Any advice for readers getting their hearts and minds ready for Book 2?

Luke: Your second year of residency is going to be a whirlwind. By the end, you and your friends will never be the same.

Jilly: Honestly? Get excited! The stakes are literally life and death. What can be more exciting than that? 

Stella: Prep yourself for more drama and love in the medical world!

Danica: Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe. Lots of stuff happening in your second year, but take a moment to also breathe. 

*Deep breath in... and out.* Well, here you have it! Stay tuned for Open Heart in February 2020, and who knows? Perhaps another sneak peek or two along the way! Thank you so much for your patience as we get this book right. From everyone here at Pixelberry Studios, we wish all of you a happy New Year!
