Bloodbound II

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It’s back! We’re taking another bite at the Big Apple and reuniting with your fave crew in Bloodbound II! Let's sink our teeth in and get the inside scoop from the brains behind the book:

Now spill! What’s new with Bloodbound II?

Andrew: What Bloodbound II offers is MORE! More of the vampires you love. More awesome historical flashbacks and more creepy new lore. More scares, more thrills, and yes… more steamy scenes with Adrian, Jax, Kamilah, and Lily!

Wow, I can’t wait! What’s been the most challenging part of creating this book?

Andrew: The trickiest part was definitely figuring out the details of the world. Book 1 is focused very tight on NYC, and in Book II we really open it up, but that meant figuring out not just what it’s like for vampires all over the world, but the whole bigger history of how this world came to be.

Owen: Assembling the Bloodbound team is kinda tough. We’re all working on different projects, so it’s hard to get us in the same room at the same time. However once you do, the result is dark, beautiful magic… And a lot of nonsense. But also magic.

Chelsa: Trying to remember to include all the little moving pieces and the important things from Book 1 that needed to come back. But we did it!

Phew! Sounds like quite the feat. Now, Book 1 showed us a whole new world of vampires… without spoiling anything for us, will we be meeting any new vampires?

Andrew: Definitely! I can’t wait for you to see some of the new vampires we have in store. You’ll meet old friends… and even older enemies!

Owen: More than that, you’ll see a whole new society of vampires with a completely different set of philosophies. There’s way more to the vampire world than the clans of New York!

Emi: I'll give you a hint that my personal favorite is a very famous vampire who you're lucky enough to cross paths with.

OoOo! What are you most excited for fans to experience in Book II?

Andrew: Where to begin? There are so many big thrilling twists I can’t wait for the fans to see. There’s a cameo appearance in Chapter 3 that was an absolute blast to write.

Chelsa: So many things! I have to just pick one? I think I'm most excited for people to experience the new tapestry flashbacks in Bloodbound II. The story that unfolds there is SO interesting, and I can't wait to see people's reactions.  

Owen: Vampire parties in some… unorthodox locations.

Emi: You may finally learn about the mythical First Vampire...

GASP! Which reminds me... Out of all the vampires in the story, who would you most likely want by your side?

Andrew: Kamilah, for sure. Sorry, others, but she didn’t get to be 2000 without being one hell of a survivor.

Owen: I’d choose Lily cuz she’s chill. I get that the other vampires are like, immortal paragons of animalistic power and otherworldly beauty, but like… get over yourself?

Chelsa: Kamilah. She's such a bo$$.

Emi: Gaius. Sure, he's likely to betray you in the end, but as long as he's on your side, the competition doesn't stand a chance!

Any final tips for people to sink their teeth into?

Andrew: Flesh calls to flesh. Blood calls to blood. Follow the path to find the Tomb… but beware the Order of the Dawn.

Emi: Learn from the past.

Chelsa: Wear a turtleneck.

I'll keep that in mind! Here’s to venturing into the wicked and wild world of vampires! Make sure to let us know what you think on our social media pages. We can’t wait for you to play Bloodbound II!
